Summarizing year number 2006
One year older again...
At the end of every year, I'm summarizing and planning for the next
year. But it often is a fiasco ;-) Look at my plans/wishes for
- AMD64 builds out of the box - this was my main wish. And it is
now reality. Caolan and Kendy did an enormous work and I'm now
watching every milestone carefully for new bugs so we can fix them
immediately when they appear. This is very effective. From time to
time, new 64bit specific bug appears as well - people like to pass
pointers in 32bit integers around even if we have sal_IntPtr type etc.
- usable Mac OS X universal builds without X11 - this was a dream
only. I do have universal patches in my build system with the
exception of module bridges, and X11 universal build works OK on
the platform it was produced on, but it crashes on the other
platform. This was low priority for me, thus almost nothing done
here. Current non-X11 build does something, but we have a lot of
work to do. Playing invaders is now possible with the mouse,
keyboard still doesn't work properly, because of some windowing
- I'd like to cut down the list of MyIssues down under 40 at the end of the year (the current
status is 83) - pure dream. The current list of MyIssues is 92 issues :-(
- my community build system migrated to newly designed build-farm,
more automated - almost nothing done here as well. It works as it
is right now very well so the motivation to change it is very low,
the only thing needed is to plan for hardware upgrade of all
machines - four years are four years and the fastest machine
available then is now again effectively slower than my laptop.
- Czech team at OOoCon 2006 with more presentations and more
active members - no progress. No new active people, and some
active people who can't attend because of their personal or work
- at least three big public companies/institutions in Czech
migrating to and publicly announcing it - many
companies migrating, but none announcing it publicly - the
marketing part of our team has to do some investigation in this
regard. Many of my customers are directly or indirectly using for their work, but they often do not communicate
the infrastructure they are using because of the old habits and
false dreams of better security.
So to sum up: not everything planned happened. I have to work even
more to fulfil my plans ;-)
So what I want to do/work on in 2007? I'll try to be more realistic...
- native AQUA without X11 as an alpha version for
end users
- migrate at least Windows and GNU/Linux x86 machines of my build
system to newer hardware with the help from sponsors
- ... and maybe more ...
I hope the next year will be even more success for and
we will completely accept and use the opportunity Microsoft is giving
us for free with their Vista upgrade!