Deadline for merging translations into 2.0
Ivo Hinkelmann posted very important informations for translators/localizers. To sum up: the
deadline for providing GSI / SDF files is 2005/05/20. Use the latest possible milestone to base your
GSI on, because there still are changes in the source code. There is no need to file issues now,
because you'll surely have newer GSI a week later. File the issue into component l10n few days
before the deadline, assign to
(Ivo) and put a link to your compressed GSI file in
it. Make sure that your GSI file is syntactically correct (use
gsicheck -c -l ""
for checking).
If you need to merge any patches to the source code, please make sure that the author of the patch
has signed JCA (see
this page
for details), file an issue to component l10n, subcomponent code, and assign to
The deadline for such patches is earlier - 2005/05/05.